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Clan Rules

The MFN Clan, founded by MFN webmaster Specter and MFN member Elixir, shall be constituted thus: Specter is the supreme leader of the clan. A Council initially comprised of six MFN members, namely Elixir (as Chairman), Vanexel711, Sentient1, Sciron, Thanatos and hammerslane, shall be appointed to oversee clan operations. In the event of a 3-3 vote in the Council, Chairman Elixir's vote shall count as 2 to break the tie. Ship captains appointed at the Council's discretion shall oversee the operations of their individual crews and will report to the Council.

In the event that no Council members are present when the Council is needed to make a decision, formulate a plan, or otherwise fulfill it's obligations to the MFN Clan, all available ship captains shall come to a vote, which shall be binding upon the clan unless subsequently overruled by the Council.

Membership Guidelines

1. As a new member, you must first post in the WELCOME thread.

2. Blantant disrespect of an MFN Clan member is strictly prohibited. In other words, if you threaten or offend a fellow clan member without any respect towards their feelings, a decision will then be made to eject you from the clan after a fair evaluation of the circumstances.

3. The members of the Council of the MFN Clan shall cast votes in deciding who shall become a new member of the clan, and will choose from either voting in favor of, voting against or abstaining from voting for any potential member. As with all important decisions, the members of the Council will give due hearing to the opinions of other clan members in making such a decision. Any potentional member who receives a majority of 4 votes will immediately be eligible for invitation into the clan, subject to being later overruled if the member is found not acceptable.

4. A list of members who have access to the clan's private forum and those being considered for membership shall be posted for all clan members to read for informational and security purposes.

5. Under no circumstances shall a member of the clan be a member of another clan at the same time.

6. All members of the clan shall adhere to a policy of strict confidentially regarding private clan matters, including passwords, intelligence, current operations and future plans. Disregard for confidentiality compromises the integrity essential to the functioning of clan within the Matrix, and shall incur the severest of punishment.