Drew Goddard went to Warner Bros. Discovery and pitched them on what he would do with a new Matrix film. According to Warner Bros. Motion Pictures president of production Jesse Ehrman, they all believe his idea will be “an incredible way to continue the Matrix world” by both honoring what came before, and “offering a unique perspective based on his own love of the series and characters.”
You might recognize Goddard’s name. He was nominated for an Oscar for writing “The Martian.” That film was directed by Ridley Scott, and starred Matt Damon. He also wrote Cloverfield, World War Z, and episodes of both Alias and Lost, among other things. He also was a writer-director on The Cabin in the Woods.
Goddard said that the Matrix films changed both cinema and his own life, and he is “beyond grateful for the chance to tell stories in [the Wachowski’s] world.”
What do we know about The Matrix 5?
Just that Drew Goddard will write and direct the film, at this point.
Who is in The Matrix 5?
We don’t know yet. But we have seen people react in two opposing ways. The most common thing I saw was people saying that Neo and Trinity had better be in this one, played by Keanu Reeves and Carrie Anne Moss. Less common was that they had better not be in the movie. They already can’t please everyone.
When does The Matrix 5 release?
We don’t know yet. It is in development at Warner Brothers. If we had to guess, we would guess that the earliest we could see the movie is 2026, but 2027 is more likely.
Are the Wachowski’s involved at all?
Yes, the one who directed The Matrix Resurrections is executive producing the film.
Why should we be excited?
Honestly, I think it will be very interesting to have a new voice telling a story in the Matrix, similar to when we had others tell stories in short-form in The Animatrix. I’m interested in seeing where it goes, how it comes together, who is in it, and what the story is about. If it turns out good, that’s great. If not, oh well. We’ve had three Matrix films release after the first, and to varying degrees of success or reception.
Also, it’s too early in development either way. Let’s wait for the trailers to drop.
-via Variety
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