Matrix takes Beef!
Wizard the comics magazine #102 March 2000 pg. 22 MORRISON CALLS IT QUITS Unhappy with DC, ‘The Matrix,’ writer vows no more comics. Grant Morrison—unemployed? That’s right. The creater who reinvigorated the JLA franchise and […]
Wizard the comics magazine #102 March 2000 pg. 22 MORRISON CALLS IT QUITS Unhappy with DC, ‘The Matrix,’ writer vows no more comics. Grant Morrison—unemployed? That’s right. The creater who reinvigorated the JLA franchise and […]
Entertainment Weekly: Issue #524 for February 4, 2000, on pg. 14 under “ADULT TOYS” It talks about how weird it is that the Matrix Toys are Recommended For Mature Collectors. Nothin big.
AutoTrader.com used a “construct” to load up cars and people to show how easy it is to buy from them. This shows how big the Matrix got after it’s release last year.
COMING OCTOBER 2000 Book Description The first and only book licensed by the creators of this awesome film–“A careening cyberride without the headset, a virtual masterpiece…The Bible meets Batman; Lewis Carroll collides with William Gibson, […]
British Publication Starburst has a feature in Starburst Special #42 Yearbook 1999/2000. See “Star Bytes.” It was written by Judy Stone.
Watching Keanu Reeves back in the Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure days, did anyone ever think that there would someday be a college course based on one of his movies? Well, now there is. One […]
The Matrix has sold about 1.8 Million DVDs so far and about 4 million DVD Players have been sold. Almost a 1:2 ratio!
Jaw23wall says: the playstation 2 is gonna make the matrix game its going to come out late 2000 early 2001 its gonna tie up between the 1st and 2nd matrix. I have also read this […]
Joel Silver says the prequel is too big for film, should be animated. A prequel to The Matrix is under consideration, according to producer Joel Silver, but the story might be too big and expensive […]
The Matrix is one of the hottest selling DVDs and Videos this holiday season. The video can be found at a price of $14.99 for either the PAN & SCAN version or the better WIDESCREEN […]
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