Fan Film: Matrix.Butterfly
I love it when fans get together to create more for us to enjoy. This one is a live action version of a comic by Dave Gibbons, called Butterfly. It features very impressive effects at […]
I love it when fans get together to create more for us to enjoy. This one is a live action version of a comic by Dave Gibbons, called Butterfly. It features very impressive effects at […]
On December 22, 2004, the Matrix Comics Volume 2 officially hits comic shops around the world and completes the Burlyman Entertainment lineup. Of course, we’ve still got Shaolin Cowboy and Doc Frankenstein bi-monthly issues, but […]
Bordough originally posted this: Just as Redeye fortold, the prophecy was fulfilled this Monday (night), the fifteenth of November, in this Year of the Machines, two thousand and four. From Michael Oeming to Peter Bagge, […]
Bordough originally posted this: Today, you can see previews for all 12 of the stories in the forthcoming The Matrix Comics: Volume 2, out this december. Check it out at Burlyman HQ
Bordough originally posted this: From the depths of the Matrixfans forums comes answers from the man himself….Mr. Spencer Lamm, aka Redeye of the MFN forums, and editor of pretty much every Matrix-related book including the […]
Redeye and Thanatos both informed me of this story at the official site. Click the link at the bottom for the pictures. We get asked a lot of questions around these parts. Besides when is […]
Bordough sent us this update: Today, the 3rd of September, in a not so surprising turn of events, Burlyman Entertainment HQ (www.burlymanentertainment.com) has put up 12, count ’em, TWELVE glorious Skroce-illustrated, Wachowski dialogue-driven pages of […]
Bordough chimes in “with some less revolutionary and possibly more [revelatory] news”: On the Burlyman HQ front page, a link entitled “Press” has appeared. Upon further investigation, I have found, inside of a marketing sheet, […]
That’s right folks, you talked, and they were listening. This November, Burlyman Entertainment is publishing The Matrix Comics Volume 2! And who knows what will end up in the set. You can voice what you’d […]
This is Bordough with more Burlyman news. burlymanentertainment.com, the official website of the burly, has been updated with new desktops, the two preview pages from each comic that were up on newsarama, and one other […]
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