Is The Matrix Resurrections the first part of a new trilogy of films? After seeing the movie, I’m sure many of us are hoping the answer is yes, but the director is stating pretty firmly that the answer is “no.”
When AP Entertainment posed the question of The Matrix Resurrections being the first part of a new trilogy, Wachowski motioned to the producers of the film and saying, “My producers are over there. No.”
Typically, this is a question that comes with any large franchise. Does this mean that Lana will never make more films set right after this? Never say never. We did get a fourth film, afterall. We could also see Warner Brothers start to move forward on other plans, to expand the Matrix universe with films without a Wachowski involved for the first time. Or at least not in the director’s chair for the first time.
Honestly, I’m glad. Although it’d be great to have “more Matrix”, I feel like Resurrections puts a pretty distinctive capstone on the films. The last thing I’d want – and this was made pretty clear in Resurrections too – is the Matrix equivalent of the MCU. Ugh.