The Matrix Resurrections Teaser Poster
Here’s the first poster for The Matrix Resurrections! Here’s something else we can guess from the poster art. At the bottom, it says “Only in Cinemas.” I have been hoping to watch the movie on […]
Here’s the first poster for The Matrix Resurrections! Here’s something else we can guess from the poster art. At the bottom, it says “Only in Cinemas.” I have been hoping to watch the movie on […]
Head over to https://www.whatisthematrix.com and you’re redirected to a new place: https://thechoiceisyours.whatisthematrix.com/ You’ll be presented with two choices of direction to take. I highly recommend picking both.
A leak in January revealed the title, but I didn’t feel it was right to post about it then. And then there was an early test screening of the movie in June. But again, the […]
With everything going on in the world, Warner Brothers has announced that their entire line-up of films for 2021 will be released on the same day on HBO Max as they are released in movie […]
In a trailer for the upcoming sleight of Warner Brothers films releasing in 2021, they showed logos for their entire lineup. In that line-up was the first time we saw the logo for The Matrix 4. […]
The Matrix 4, which currently paused production in Berlin (but might restart next month) has been delayed from May 21, 2021 to April 1, 2022 due to the production shut down as a result of the pandemic. […]
When looking at the press release, we found the names of the writers of the screenplay for The Matrix 4. So this project has clearly been in the works for a while. We had started to […]
The Matrix 4 is officially on the way from Warner Bros. Lana Wachowski will direct Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss in the film which could shoot in 2020. Full Press Release: Lana Wachowski—the co-creator of […]
While we wait for Keanu Reeves to return to the role of Ted Theodore Logan in Bill & Ted 3, news regarding The Matrix has also surfaced. While a new Matrix film may be a long way […]
Well, put me on the list under those that are very disappointed that it didn’t turn out to be true: Keanu Reeves has been in London, but did not give a speech there. Reeve’s rep […]
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