Club Hel Photos – The Matrix Revolutions
I recently found some rare photos from the official Matrix website of Club Hel, the Merovingian’s night club that was in The Matrix Revolutions. Here’s a look behind the scenes at the club.
I recently found some rare photos from the official Matrix website of Club Hel, the Merovingian’s night club that was in The Matrix Revolutions. Here’s a look behind the scenes at the club.
Archival interview with Anna Marchant from the official Matrix website. BACKGROUND MATRIX: What is your background? ANNA: I basically started off in the film industry having done a university degree in teaching design and technology, […]
Archival interview with Roger Tait from the official Matrix website. HEL NIGHT CLUB COSTUMES MATRIX: I’ve seen some interesting fabrics around the workshop; what kinds of fabrics have you been working with? ROGER: There was […]
Archival interview with George Hull from the official Matrix website. MATRIX: What did you do before becoming involved in THE MATRIX? GEORGE: Before this I spent about seven years at Industrial Light and Magic doing […]
Archival interview with Adam Grace from the official Matrix website. BACKGROUND MATRIX: How did you get into the film industry? ADAM:I’d seen Star Wars when I was still at high school and I thought that […]
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