Ok, so, it slipped, just a bit, but DOC FRANKENSTEIN IS HERE! December 1st it hit store shelves. At Burly HQ, you can see the printing process of Doc Frankenstein (and a few pages we […]
Ok, so, it slipped, just a bit, but DOC FRANKENSTEIN IS HERE! December 1st it hit store shelves. At Burly HQ, you can see the printing process of Doc Frankenstein (and a few pages we […]
Bordough originally posted this: Straight from the Matrix HQ comes word that in one week, Doc Frankenstein will be released. This means December first (1st) is the projected release date of Burlyman Entertainment’s Doc Frankenstein […]
xBrandxBlandx sent us this news: Burlyman Entertainment has provided Newsarama with a six-page preview of Geof Darrow’s Shaolin Cowboy, his story of a well…in Darrow’s own words, “he’s not a Shaolin, and he’s not really […]
Bordough originally posted this: Today, you can see previews for all 12 of the stories in the forthcoming The Matrix Comics: Volume 2, out this december. Check it out at Burlyman HQ
Bordough originally posted this: From the depths of the Matrixfans forums comes answers from the man himself….Mr. Spencer Lamm, aka Redeye of the MFN forums, and editor of pretty much every Matrix-related book including the […]
Nightblade pointed us to this review on IGN: The Matrix Remastered Let’s start with what will probably be the primary selling point for the DVD: a new transfer and audio mix for The Matrix. When […]
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